The Unstoppable Advance of the Gospel - David Bareham - 30.06.2024 Guest SpeakersBen Norris1 July 2024The Unstoppable Advance of the Gospel
Mark 2:1-12 - Phil Bradbury - 23.06.2024 The Gospel of MarkBen Norris23 June 2024mark, mark 2:1-12, forgiveness
Mark 1:35-39 -Ben Norris - 02.05.2024 Ben Norris2 June 2024mark 1:35-39, early riser, prayer, rhythmnsoflife
Mark 1:14-34 - Ben Norris 26.05.2024 The Gospel of MarkBen Norris26 May 2024Mark 1:14-34, Empowering the Ordinary, God cannot hindered by a time, place, or situation.
Make Room (Mark 1:1-13) - Ben Norris - 12.05.2024 The Gospel of MarkBen Norris14 May 2024Make room, Mark 1
Imperfect Disciples Part 1 - Phil Bradbury - 07.04.2024 Imperfect DisciplesBen Norris7 April 2024imperfectdisciples
Jeremiah 50:33-40 - Ian Remfry - 03.03.2024 JeremiahBen Norris3 March 2024Promise, Hope, Faithfulness, jeremiah 50:33-40
Jeremiah 28 & 29:4-7 - Ben Norris 11.02.2024 JeremiahBen Norris12 February 2024jeremiah, false prophets, Hypocrisy
This Man is Marked by Much Mercy - David Hazeldine - 04.02.2024 Guest SpeakersBen Norris4 February 2024thegospelofmercy
Jeremiah 7:4-11 - Mark Walker 28.01.2024 JeremiahBen Norris29 January 2024Jeremiah 7:4-11, Hypocrisy, Worship, Hardship
Christmas Together - Unwrapping the Greatest Gift: God's Love at Christmas - Mark Walker 10.12.2023 Christmas TogetherBen Norris10 December 2023unwrapped, love, christmas together, christmas
Together for Glory - Katie Lynch Christmas TogetherBen Norris3 December 2023christmas together, christmas